Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kurt Halsey

This is a digital painting from my favorite artist in the world, Kurt Halsey Fredricen. his website is: where you can see the rest of his fantastic artwork. I love his art and I have about 500$ worth of his art hanging on my walls and in my personal collection. I feel a connection with his earlier artwork becasue I felt like it was speeking directly to me. it was my expirences and my emotions that I was expirencing when i was looking at his art. The artwoerk is cute bu itself, but I love it and continueto collect it because it is personal to me and tells my story. Likesise, I think comercials are more effective at selling to their target audience when they relate to the viewer. A mom is more likle to but a swiffer duster to rid herself of ehr dogs hair if the comercial shows a woman fed up with dog hair and solves her problems with a swiffer. I think that could be a really interesting classroom discussion. How the media effectivly sells to a specific audience.

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