Friday, March 7, 2008

online greeting cards

So, my aunt sends me online greeting cards for every single holiday that there is. The funny thing is, is that it seems like a nice gesture, bu honestly, shes crazy and mean to me whenever we are actually in the same space. She puts up this sweet front, like, "Look how thoughtful I am and how much I care because I go to and send the same e-card to everyone I know!" On top of which, the cards she sends me are so annoying that I can only ever get through about 1/3rd of the song or cartoon before i close the window and never even get to see the message she attached.

here is an example:

just go there and see how long you can watch that before your eyes cross and you start loosing blood from your ears. i give you about 30 seconds.

really this post is more about putting up a front through media than the actually media itself. I think we all do this. It's like online dating. we put up a media front to make us seem better than we really are.

lesson plan: In the mask club 2 weeks ago Cyrano de Bergerac, we saw 2 men who were both flawed. one was good looking and one was eloquent but ugly. They worked together to woo a woman. The eloquent one was using his words to make him appear better than he really was. this could lead to a discussion on trustworthy information on the internet. How accurate are things when no one must be accountable for the media they produce?

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